
What Are the Symptoms of a Delayed Injury After a Crash?

Published on Jul 30, 2024 at 7:46 pm in Car Accidents.

What are the symptoms of a delayed injury after a crash?

Getting into a car accident can be emotionally jarring. There is also a physiological effect of the accident when your brain releases a jolt of adrenaline, according to the Cleveland Clinic. That hormone is tied to our “fight or flight” impulses. That adrenaline could mask the pain associated with an injury. In other words, you might not feel that you’re hurt until much later when things calm down. It is important to know what the symptoms of a delayed injury after a crash are.

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) found that in 2022, 20% of all crashes involving motor vehicles resulted in an injury. That translates into 59,795 people who might have suffered delayed symptoms. Even if you don’t feel any pain after a serious accident, you should still seek medical attention to make sure you haven’t been injured. The following are some of the delayed symptoms you should be on the lookout for after a crash.


Stress and allergies are two common causes of headaches. Those headaches will typically fade away or can be treated with over-the-counter medications. In a car accident, you could hit your head on the interior of your car, like a dashboard or the headliner. You might also experience whiplash. Those are both examples of physical trauma that could manifest as a headache.

That headache could show up several hours or several days after the accident. It could also be a symptom of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A CT scan may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Neck Pain

A whiplash is a soft tissue injury. That happens when your head is suddenly jerked back and forth. That jolt is a strain on the surrounding muscles and tissue. The Mayo Clinic finds that there are over three million incidents of whiplash reported each year, and the vast majority of those are caused by traffic accidents. A whiplash will show up as a pain in the neck, shoulder and upper back.

Abdominal Pain

Blunt force trauma to your abdomen can occur if the accident slams you into your steering wheel. The common symptoms of this type of injury can be pain or swelling in your abdomen. That could indicate internal bleeding or organ damage. You could also experience dizziness, bruises, and headaches with this type of injury.

It is important to note that there aren’t obvious external signs of internal bleeding. That means those abdominal pains after an accident should not be ignored.

Back Pain

Back pain after an accident can be a sign of slipped or herniated discs, compression fractures or cervical vertebrae fractures, and spinal cord damage. That pain can show up as a sharp pain when you move your back or general stiffness. In addition to the back pain, you could also experience numbness or tingling, which could be a sign of further nerve damage.

Behavioral or Emotional Changes

Not all the delayed symptoms after an accident are physical. They could also show up as mood swings or diminished cognitive function. An accident can also trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That, in turn, can lead to severe mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. It would also make the victim fearful of driving again.

Proving Delayed Pain

Delayed pain from an accident could be a challenge to prove. The insurance company would be right to ask if that pain could be work-related or from some other activity. That is why it is important to seek medical attention at the first sign that something feels off. Those medical records will be an important part of establishing your car accident claim case.

Even though your pain might be delayed, you don’t want to delay in filing your case. In Illinois, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. It will help to get the support of the Prince Law Firm as soon as possible. We can help you gather the necessary information you’ll need to file your claim to seek fair compensation for your injuries. Call to set up a free consultation to discuss the accident.



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