How To Apply for Workers’ Compensation

Published on Jan 9, 2024 at 9:50 pm in Workers' Compensation.

How to Apply for Workers' Compensation

Illinois law requires almost every employer to secure workers’ compensation coverage that covers its employees in case they fall ill or get hurt on the job. Employers face daily fines for non-compliance. Thus, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that 91% of our state’s employees are entitled to protections this coverage offers, according to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IL WCC). So, what steps should Illinois employees take to apply for worker’s compensation if they require it? We’ll share those details below.

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Settlement Guide

Published on Sep 22, 2023 at 11:16 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Settlement Guide
Every worker in the state of Illinois has the right to a reasonably safe workplace. When someone is injured or becomes sick while on the job, they are entitled to benefits that cover their medical bills and lost wages.

Few people have a full understanding of every right they have as an employee, though. And when you’re hurt, or you’ve just received a life-changing diagnosis, you don’t have the time or mental capacity to sort through pages and pages of complex legal information.

We hope that this Illinois workers’ compensation settlement guide will provide clear and simple information that will be helpful to your claim. And if you need any additional help or guidance, a compassionate workers’ compensation lawyer from our Marion office will meet with you for a completely free consultation.

What Is the Most Common Type of Lift Truck Accident?

Published on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:20 pm in Workers' Compensation.


Accidents involving lift trucks like forklifts, platform lift trucks, motorized hand trucks, and other specialized industrial trucks can cause severe and even permanent damage to workers. If you’ve been injured on the job and need help obtaining the benefits you need to recover, reach out to a workers’ compensation attorney from Prince Law Firm for expert legal assistance on your claim.

What to Do If Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Was Denied

Published on Sep 17, 2021 at 3:12 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Person signing document

After being injured at work, you likely filed a workers’ compensation claim so that you can recover financially for your physical damages. You might have expected your claim to go smoothly and that you would easily get a resolution that you were happy with. However, one of the options for what could happen is that your workers’ comp claim could be denied.

What Are the First Steps to Filing for Workers’ Compensation?

Published on Aug 13, 2021 at 2:59 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Person using laptop

While some people are tempted to associate on-the-job injury with physically intensive occupations such as construction or agriculture, employees who hold office jobs are just as likely to sustain injuries deserving of workers’ compensation. In the difficult period of recovery after injury, it can be overwhelming to make sure that you are taking all the right steps toward being compensated fairly.

Injuries That Are Covered in Workers’ Compensation

Published on Jul 30, 2021 at 2:52 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Two construction workers on a worksite

If you were injured at work, you might not know where to turn next for help. Workers’ compensation is in place so that you can recover financially for the injuries that you got at work, regardless of who was at fault. You might be considering filing a workers’ comp claim to get compensation for your harm and damages that you suffered.

When is a Workers’ Compensation Case More than a Workers’ Compensation Case?

Published on Nov 19, 2020 at 6:17 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Two construction workers cutting boards

When a person is hurt on the job and needs help obtaining compensation for their injuries, the first thought is to file a workers’ compensation claim. That is certainly an appropriate starting place, but at Prince Law Firm we do not stop there if you decide to reach out to us. Instead, our team carefully studies your case to determine whether there are other potential avenues of recovery. Our goal at Prince Law Firm is to help our client put their life back together after a serious injury. One way that we help accomplish this is to look beyond the obvious to maximize the injured worker’s monetary compensation.

In some cases, the injured worker’s injuries may have been caused by someone other than just the employer. If an injured worker is hurt on the job, and the injury was caused in some part by the wrongful actions of another person or company, then you might have what is called a “third-party” case. In addition to pursuing a workers’ compensation claim, you might also be able to pursue monetary compensation from the “third-party.” For instance, if a worker is driving a vehicle while performing their employment duties and they get rear-ended by another driver, then they can pursue both a workers’ compensation claim and a separate claim against the driver who caused the car crash.

Is a Lawyer Needed to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Published on Jan 16, 2020 at 6:41 pm in Workers' Compensation.

Construction worker signing papers

If you’ve been injured at work and are planning on filing for workers’ compensation benefits, you may be wondering if you need to hire a lawyer. While there are certain situations where you can probably represent yourself, it’s often in your best interests to at least seek legal guidance from a skilled attorney.

Situations where you may be able to get the benefits you need without a lawyer include minor workplace injuries, injuries that require you miss no work, or accidents where your employer has admitted the injury happened at work. Even if you fall into a situation like that, there are still benefits to having a lawyer help you with your claim. Let’s take a look at the possibility of complications arising during the claims process.

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